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Amy Kinnings 

Hi I am Amy, I am a 19-year-old uni student who does journalism and english. welcome to my website. 
Here you will find a little bit of something for everyone.


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"Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyways" by Glennon Doyle Melton

Things I write about:

  • Disablity 

  • Femnism 

  • Social issues 

  • Politics 

  • Travel 

  • Being a young adult 




My mission

The reason I created this Blog and started created content

I can’t sleep, and it’s already light outside, the birds have woken up. I can feel the heat already creeping through the window 

As I lie there, I realise I might never get better, I might not get answers for what is going on with me for a long time. And somehow I have to live my life until science and the medical field catch up with the mystery of the body of people who have uteruses. 

And as I lay  there I made a descion. I’m not giving up I have came to far to simply say this it. 

I decide this will be my life’s work, my legacy so they say. This isn’t the only reason why I am on this earth, but it’s situation I have been put in that I will not stay silent on. 

I don’t know how to change the system, I am no doctor, no scientist. But I am a talker, I am a writer, and I am a creator. And if I can’t change the system I will change how the rest of the world see those of us with mystery mecical conditons. 

Because as you sit in the doctors office, while they tell you there is nothing they can do for you. It’s a heart breaking feeling, that is enough to make the most stoic person crumble. 

But when you leave the office, you are faced with a world that doesn’t belive you. A world where u can’t access support. A world full of people who don’t get it, simply because they have never been in this situation. And maybe that’s what I can change the attitude towards it. The attitude of doctors towards conditons that are chronic with limited treatment, the attitudes of fridnds and family when they don’t see you get better and start to doubt you. 

Maybe I can change that, help them see. 

And even if I can’t do that, I can make all those fellow people who are sick but ignored feel seen. And this is what my work is. In a way I am so much more than my sickness, I am a daughter, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a colleague, a student, a writer, a reader, a creative, someone who is happy, but also sad, someone with dreams. But also my sickness has shaped me, given me a new perspective, experiences that I had never excepted to experince. And it’s not something I can ignore. If it was all just my burden alone, maybe I would ignore it. But because it effects billions of us around the world, I can not be silent. And will make this my life’s work, to advocate for all of those people who are going through this. Because chronic illness, changed my life. And there is so many times I have felt so deeply unloveable, so deeply alone and isolated. But what brought me out of this was hearing stories where I saw my experince in them. The support groups, the empathetic doctors, the loved ones who cheer me up and accomdate me, my mum who has always belived me, the poems, the blogs, the tiktok accounts. And so welcome to my website and my account, I want u to know you are not alone. 

Amy xx

About me

My full name is Amy Joy Kinnings- Smith, but I don't like being referred by name with the smith part of my name.

I have an august birthday, so I am a leo.

I am an ENFP, though I would consider myself an ambivert. I am a people person, but I also love my own space at times. You will catch me reading or watching tv a lot in my free time. 

I have a dog called Ruby, she is a border terrier. Who I have had since I was 8 she is my child! 

When I hit puberty I started to feel faitgued and dizzy, and always suffered from aches and pains. I later found out I had pots and HEDS. Then in 2022 I got ill, and never got better. It seemed to trigger some sort of systematic disease, it also made my HEDS worsen which meant I gained more complications.

My favourite author is Dolly Alteron and Jane Austen. My favourite book so far this year is Hometown by Kate Morton. I have been religiously watching New girl since 2020. I am a huge history geek, espeically medical history. I am also a massive swiftie. 

I love creating all forms of media, I love to try everything that I can. I basically just love creating content and writing.

I was born in Norfolk UK, but when I was 7 we moved to Scotland. I spent my childhood growing up ina  religious guest house. I did not have the best childhood ever, which is something you will probably gather through my writing.

I have been writing since before I even knew what words I was putting on paper. 

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