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Amy Kinnings- Smith

My top ten advice for chronically ill people

1. people are going to have alot of opinions, tell them to fuck off I wish I did that more often. Or do what I do is tune it out

  1. Stand up for yourself at the doctors, and dont be afraid to get a second opnion

  2. Medication isnt a bad thing, yes trying lifestyle changes and alternative therapies are good but sometimes medication is needed and it should be your choose.

  3. Dont downplay your illness to your employer, you dont have to list every gruesome detail but be clear what sort of accomdations you need

  4. Dont just agree to plans staright away, take time to think about if its actually feasible. This saves my impulsive ADHD ass so many times from flaking from plans

  5. If you have to cancel on people thats okay. If they see you as flaky so be it. You have genuine medical conditions and have to put your health first, if they dont understand that is there problem

  6. Always sort out your meds into a weekly conatiner, thats so you can see how many you have left

  7. If you have an autoimmune disease, vitamins are your best friend, but always check with pharamcist first as vitamins can interact with medication and be harmful to you

  8. You are not undateable, you just have to find your perfect nap partner

  9. Have fun, do things you enjoy, sometimes having a dance and a sing along is worth a flare up, sometimes its not as u need to be safe, you will get better being able to judge when u can push yourself

  10. you can still dream, it might look a bit different now, but you will be surprised at how many opportunities open up for yourself once you adapt and learn how to make things as easy as possible

  11. There is nothing more scary then being alone, and having no charged phone, the fear of something happening or flaring up and not being able to ask for help is real, always make sure you have a phone charger on you

  12. Use mobilty aids and devices what ever would benefit you the most, its about you not what everyone else thinks.

  13. Your going to need to be tough, your going to probably upset some people, inconvience some people but its no use losing sleep worrying anout what people think about something that you have no control over

  14. Its okay to cry and be angry and complain, this shit is tough, its incrediably hard to be happy and find joy in things when you feel like crap 24/7

  15. Ask for help be honest with people

  16. always always give yourself a reward after every hospital procedure, blood test and doctors appointments, treat yourself to an iced coffee and a bit of choclate

  17. nap, nap, nap you know how we are always told to avoid naps as it messes with our sleep schedule, you know what else does chronic illness. We need sleep, so if you feel tired dont be afraid to take a nap

  18. You are most likely an incrediably resourceful person, whose is creative and good problem solver. Chronic illness has even made me better at organisation and time management imagine that, when last year I couldnt even remeber to bring a pen to school.

  19. You have got this trust me

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