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Amy Kinnings- Smith

Weekly update: have they found out whats wrong finally?

I think this has actually been more than a few weeks so apolgises about that, I have been busy with an exciting new job with the uni, and went on a little solo trip to edinburgh, doctors appointmemts and tests, plus I am back at uni. I fear I do not have enough time right now to give you a full update, so I will just update you on some health news!

So I thought I would update you on some good news, I GOT POSTIVE TEST RESULTS BACK for Myostis. I know it sounds crazy to be happy by that, but recently I have been struggling with worsening symtoms, especially in my muscles and my legs and shoulders. Always brushed off as either hypermobilty or fibro. So off I went to the physio who dignosed me with weakness in my hips and shoulders, and I contuined with the exercises. But then my pain in my leg got so bad, my muscles were visably twitching, and felt swollen and tender. So off I went to get another blood test at the clinic, and two of my antibodys came back postive. So I am really hoping this might mean we are one step closer to dignosis and treatment.

Another postive my colonscopy and gastrocopy came back clear! Which in one way I am massively relieved there isnt probably any serious damage though I do have to wait to the bioposy results and mri scan. As IBD cant just be ruled out through a colonscopy, as there is a thing called microcopic coltitis and small bowel mri which can only be seen through bioposy and mri scan. But I am relieved my stomach doesnt appear to be damagaed, though I am left wondering what is causing my flare ups of blood, diarrohea, weight loss, high inflammation, stomach pain.

Another point of good news, I have been referred for a 72 hour fasting test to see if I have insulinoma! It will be such a relief when I find out if I have it or not. Also some of my adrenal tests came back postive, which is a little scary, but I am just reminding myself its one step closer to finding all the puzzle pieces of my health.

So yep so basically we are finally getting somewhere, I will update you all in more depth about everything! But I have a very busy week!

Here is hoping my good news contuines! Especially after months of bad news, its a welcome break to have good news.

Love Amy x

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