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Welcome, here you will find some pieces I've written lately. 

Love Amy x

Like a flower

You told me to toughen up 

The world is rough, so you have to be tough 

But I did the opposite I became soft 

The world is rough but it could do with a little more softness in it

Turkish delight 

I remember  your smile as you would put me on your shoulders 

The laugh that chortled in you when I made a joke 

and how you would never have coffee after 4pm 


I suppose I wonder why I knew so much about you, and you knew so little about me 

I wonder why you never loved me, not for real


Because I also remeber how your hand would feel against my cheek 

The sting of your gold banded wedding ring leaving its dents on my cheek

The way your words would feel like stab wounds to my heart 


I remember this all 


I have always wondered why you couldnt love me 

It seemed such an unfeasible task for you, quite close to impossible

Everyone else seemed to have no problem but you 


Maybe I just loved you more than you will ever love me.


Do you love me, do you not?

Picking at daisy petals 

Do they love me? Do they not? 

Asking myself over and again 

Asking my friends 

Asking my mum 

Its funny how I never play this game anymore 

Now I pick at daisy petals thanking my blessings for you

Tea and Cake

I've wanted to be left alone my entire life 

Being alone is so peaceful 

I'm free of the reactions of others 

The vilgliance 

The preassure 


In my garden its just me watering the plants 

Surrounded by nothing but the sun on my skin 

The birds in the sky 


But time after time the universe has never left me alone 

I try and padlock the garden gate 

Bolt it as shut as much as possible


But everytime some kind soul comes knocking on the door 

Knocking ever so softly 

Ever so gently 

Asking me if I want tea and Cake 


So we sit and watch the birds fly past 

And pick the flowers that I've grown 

Then afterwards we sit on chairs with a pot of tea 

And watch our creation 


Maybe its the universes way of caring for me 

Proving me wrong 

Im kindful thankful it is 

Because I kind of like how people can surprise me.

The forgotten little girl

Did you hear about the little girl who was forgotten 

Who grew up and got out 


Did you hear about the little girl who wondered the woods looking for animals to rescue 

Who would hide in wardrobes

And make up stories in her head 


She was a bit crazy 

But oh so brave 

And strong too 

She would tell the best jokes, always trying to make you smile 


Her story now lost in the rustling of paper in someones desk 


She may be forgotten 

But I will never let her memory die 

Turning our pain into art 

Maybe we dont need to torture ourselves to produce art

Yes we can make art out of our pain 

Turn our pain into art

Maybe we could make art out of our happiness 

I think we already do this we just dont realise it 

We make things for people we love 

We take pictures of the things that bring us joy 

We write about our days 

We phone up the people we love to tell them good news

We take photos of the people we love, laughing 

All of this art 

Is meaningful

when will you stop?

When will you stop following me?

I can still see you in the shop window 

In every red car 

In the man stood in front of me in the queue 

In every person who touches me 

In my grey eyes 

You have managed to follow me across the border 

Its been 4 years and yet you still follow me 

maybe to taunt me or to remind me of my betrayal?

You follow me in my moments of sleep 

Crossing over into my dreams 

When will you stop? 

When I am 20?



Maybe you never will 

I have tried everything to get rid of you 

Every type of therapy, every pill 

And yet you wont stop 

And I still wake up covered in sweat

feeling my throat close up and room close in 

I lay there and do my grounding technique 

"I live with my mum and ruby now I am safe, I am safe now"

to try and calm my shaky hand, as my head swirls

And yet you never really go away

Please stop following me



You walk around and hold the umbrella for me, so I'm not soaked on the journey from the car and the door of your house 

I wonder how I got so lucky to meet you

To get to be loved by you

To be cared for by you

I used to always think I was the person who loved more, cared more

That was my thing, thought it always would be 

Rather arrogant of me looking back to think I was that special that I deserved less 

But now I hold your arm and walk with you, yapping on about some random thought I had 

While you hold the umbrella, fighting with it the wind 

And I smile as I enter the door and turn to you, as I am just so happy

How things change

Sometimes I smile into the mirror 

At the thought that I will never walk through the door

And that silence and violence will wait for me 

Now I can simply go through my front door and be greeted by a happy dog to see me 

Do you go to confession?

I wonder if you sit in the confession box on the 12th August 

And explain about me

Do you feel ashamed? guilty even?


I often wonder what you do on the 12th

Do you pray for me?

Pray for my forgiveness 


or do you pray for your forgiveness 

even more unlikely

Do you see me as your greatest sin? or what you did to me as your greatest sin?


I suppose you probably more care about gods judgment, than my judgement 

Yu care more about still entering heaven, rather than seeking my forgiveness 

I wonder if on the 12th you curse my name 

Do you miss me though? 


I wonder if on the 12th, you try to find a perfect gift, and decide to send it

I wonder if thats why i just get £5 gift cards

Maybe you thought better of it?


I wonder if you relaise that its the 12th not the 14th

But still at least you have the 14th underlined on your calendar 

Have you forgotten about me? 

Your 15 year sin 

Shattered pieces 

I am a mosiac of all the people I have never known 

My shattered pieces

The pieces that shine 

My coffee order 

My music taste 

All crafted by so many people 

some people I miss 

Some people I love 

Some of them I dont know any more 

But yet they all exist in my life still


I realised I liked you 

When everywhere I went

I imagined how much you would enjoy it 

What you would say 

I can hear the jokes you would say in my head 

I realised I liked you 

When I wanted to share everything with you


She wasnt there 

She doesnt remember 


Screams in my head 

Rattles in my brain


Of course she doesnt 

She wasnt there 

She doesnt remember that though 


The screams in my head 

Whistling to get out 


To be blown into the air 

Maybe then she would remember

Shot down 

I wonder if you can outrun a house 

A memory 

A room 

A person 

And if you can 

Would you ever reach the horizon 

Or would you be dragged back kicking and screaming

Do you think of me on the 12th? 

Do I haunt you like you haunt me? 

Do you see my face in your reflection 

Like I see yours 


I hope you do 

I hope when you see me in your reflection 

You feel guilt 


I hope it haunts you 

Like you do to me 


Do you think of me on the 12th? 

Like I do on the 20th 


Probably not 

You probably think its the 13th 


Do I haunt you 

Like you haunt me

I hope I do 

The Yellow Coat

She was a bit lost 

Stood in a sea of colours 

Armed with a yellow coat and a wary smile 

Till someone greeted her 

With open arms 

And an open smile that bared no teeth 

Which made her realise maybe she wasnt lost anymore 

Maybe she had finally found it the thing she was searching for 

A friend

Coffee Cup

The cup fills the space in my hands that you sometimes fill 

I've got my fill of the cafe, full of bustling people, who are not you 

But for now the coffee cup will warm my hands, until yours does again

You liked cornflakes

I know its for the better 

Your favourite cereal was cornflakes 


I know its for the best 

Everyday after the school run you would get turkish delight for us to share 


I know its for the better 

You hated me 


I know its for the best 

You would take a bath everyday at 4pm 


I know its for the better

Every morning you had coffee with two spoons of sugar and half a cup of milk 


I know its for the best 

I hate you 


I know its for the better 

you dreamt of having a garden and growing vegetable 


I know its for the best 

You would hold my hand when I was scared 


I know its for the better 

You hurt me and other people


I know its for the best 

We would bird watch together, in the hide for hours 


I know its for the better 

I know its for the better 

I know its for the best 

But you were there when I was born

The bitter women 

So many times I have been told to make sure I am not spiteful 

But I have always wondered why?

Why cant I be bitter

And spiteful and angry 

"But oh youll turn into a bitter old women, you must forgive and move on"

Why though 

Let me be a bitter old women, with my books and my cats 

I am fine with my spite 

You dont need to fix me or soften me 

I am not a lifeless doll 

I am a human being

The desperation of the sick

The worst part about being sick is the desperation

I know I reek of it 

I pass by pharamcys and scan the aisles hoping for a cure 

Every doctors appt, I sit hopefully perched on the edge 

hoping this will be the doctor to cure me

Im desperate 

so desperate for a cure

so desperate that I scare doctord

"Are you sure?"

It all feels so heavy

I dont want you to see me like this 

I dont want to bring this heaviness to you 

I dont want you to carry it for me, its too heavy

I barely manage to 

I dont want you to have to deal with this forever like I have too

Its just so heavy 

Are you sure you want to witness it?

Urban Outfitters

The mirror in the changing room

reflects my reflection back to me 

It doesnt look like me

I can see the parts of my body that my own body is attacking

Its very weird to think of my own body attacking me 

Like I am made for my skin, but not for my own skin, cells, organs 

I can see the rash growing

The nail that is falling off 

The patch of no hair 

The sore that I have covered with a plaster

I stare into the mirror and I imagine what my insides must look like 

Its weird as all I see in the mirror is my sickness creeping into every pocket of my body 

But to others I am just the girl with red hair, who smiles and laughs

The moon

I whisper up to her

"what if I dont make it"

"what if I fail"

she looks down at me and says 

"I see throughout the door, as well as the night"

I stare, confused 

"at night you fall apart sometimes, but every morning you get up and try"

And then she disappears with a smile 

behind the english clouds

Chronic pain

Its all in my head 

Its not real 

But how can it not be real 

If its in my head? because surely that still makes it real?

Even though mine is in my body 

Surely its real, it feels real for me 

maybe I am going insane? instead 

The greek sea

The water splashes against me

Sending a shiver down my spine 

As if I am suddenley reminded of the coldness of the sea

My hair is floating in the salty sea water 

my brown hair reflecting off the blue of the water 

I look up at the sky as the birds fly past 

The clouds appear to be floating along with me 

Reminding me Im not alone 

And  I float and float 

and just be

just me and the sea 

And nothing bad happens 

Occasional I'm thinking of all the bad in the world 

but then a wave splashes me again reminding me to be still

So I float and smile

As if the sea if an old friending gifting me time and rest 

And I wonder if this is what exiting on earth is all about

The survival of women

She turns on you in order to protect herself 

Protect herself from you fate 

she wants to survive 

the humilation

the shame 


So she turns on you

laughing at you

taunting you

the survival and mockery of you, is at the expense of her sanity

But you are easy to blame

She is just trying to keep herself safe 


She picked up the stone and threw it at you

Stoning you so she wouldnt be stoned herself 


shes just trying to survive

so she threw the stone 


the stone hits hard 

right on the cheek

she turns as if she cant se the suffering she has inflicted for the enemey

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